Property sign up

We're happy to welcome you, just follow the easy steps below to get started

Property details

Property location details

If you leave this field empty, we'll generate the coordinates for you from your property's address.
The correct way of giving us the coordinates is 47.500693, 19.053098, please do not use "51° 28' 38".

For more precise coordinates please go to Google Maps, and follow the instructions on the images below.

Contact details

Brief introduction

Here you should write a small text introducing potential customers to your property. Please make sure to create a unique text as our moderators will reject duplicated text which appears elsewhere online. This will be displayed on the listing page.


Here you should write a description of your property. You might consider mentioning your property's best attributes and what you feel is appealing to your potential guests such as super-friendly staff, great social atmosphere, funky character & decor or free walking tours for example, it's up to you.

This will be displayed on your microsite and must consist of minimum 500 characters and a maximum of 1500 characters. You can list your facilities in the next section of your registration process.


Here you should tell your customers how to get to your property. Remember to include directions by foot and public transport options from the main bus & railway stations, airports & ports as well as the best driving and cycling routes. Try to keep it clear and include prominent landmarks nearby.

This will be displayed on your microsite and must consist of minimum 200 characters and a maximum of 1500 characters.

Property facilities

Policies (optional)

Please detail any specific policies that your guests should be aware of at the point of booking or in advance of arrival such as if you operate an age limit policy, do not accept groups with more than a certain number of guests, or require specific forms of identification upon check-in for example.

You can leave this field empty, however if not it must consist of minimum 100 characters and a maximum of 1500 characters.

Cancellation Policies

Please clearly define your cancellation policy here as well as the consequences involved should a guest fail to cancel accordingly.

You can't leave this field empty and it must consist of minimum 100 characters and a maximum of 1500 characters.

Things to note (optional)

Here you can include any additional information you feel the guests should be aware of. For example if a keycard deposit required or if the staff are ridiculously good-looking!

You can leave this field empty, however if not it must consist of minimum 100 characters and a maximum of 1500 characters.

Please preview your details and check for any mistakes. You may go back to previous sections of your registration. If everything looks fine, click on the "Submit" button. You will be able to change any text and to upload images and rooms after your registration has been confirmed.

Property Name & Address

Property Brief introduction

Property Description

Property Directions

Property Facilities

Property Cancellation Policies